Chiropractic care is important during pregnancy!

Chiropractic care is very important during pregnancy! The body changes quickly and lots of women experience low back pain. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy restores balance to the pelvic muscles and ligaments and therefore leads to safer and easier deliveries for you and your baby. A safe, healthy delivery is what every mom deserves! Dr. Vicki is certified in the Webster Technique, a specific chiropractic technique for adjusting pregnant women. The technique is gentle for mom and baby but also balances out the spine and pelvis to alleviate the aches and pains that can come up during pregnancy. 


Webster technique is also known for reducing intrauterine constraint. Uterine constraint does not allow the baby to move freely for proper growth and development, and can sometimes prevent the baby from turning head down resulting in a breech position. A study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed an 82% success rate for turning breech babies into a vertex position when doctors of chiropractic used the Webster Technique! The doctor regularly works with local OB/GYN’s and midwives to make pregnancy comfortable and safe. Chiropractic care when combined with traditional prenatal care has been shown to lower the risk of premature birth, provide pregnancy back pain relief, decrease the pain experienced during labor and delivery, and shorten labor and delivery times.

Our Promise to You

Dr. Vicki has received chiropractic care throughout both of her pregnancies. In fact, her providers supported and suggested it to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Dr. Vicki enjoys sharing her birthing experiences – as she has had one child at Hendricks Regional Health Hospital and her second at home with a midwife.

Below are some articles to help you further understand the advantages of Chiropractic during pregnancy:

Information on Parents Portal

  • Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy for Safer, Easier Births
  • How can Chiropractic add Comfort?
  • Chiropractic Care can help Pubic Pain!
  • Why the Webster Technique is Important During Pregnancy

Get in Touch


7651 E. US Hwy 36
Avon, IN 46123


Telephone: 317-272-7988
Fax: 317-272-7918